


There are numerous books on each of these subjects. These are just a few of the books that have changed my life, that I found helpful on my journey and/or wanted to share with you. This is by no means a comprehensive list nor does it include many other wonderful books and resources on these subjects.

On Meditation

True Meditation by Adyashanti. The best book on meditation and awakening I’ve found in over 40 years of study and practice.

The Art of Just Sitting-essential writings on the Zen practice of shikantaza, edited by John Daido Loori, Roshi. Different perspectives on the type of sitting we do at Awakening at Home from masters, old and current.

Planting Seeds-practicing mindfulness with children, by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community. Chock full of meditation and mindfulness practices for the whole family.

Baby Buddhas-a guide for teaching meditation to children, by Lisa Desmond, Andrew McMeel Publishing 2004. Simple instructions for parents to set up meditation opportunities for their young children.

The Method of no-method-the Chan Practice of Silent Illumination by Sheng Yen. Shambala 2008. Simple direct instruction on Just Sitting meditation.

on homemaking

Wabi-Sabi Welcome-learning to embrace the imperfect and entertain with thoughtfulness and ease by Julie Pointer Adams. An inspiring book about bringing mindfulness practice in our homemaking.

Children's books

The Brave Little Parot, Rafe Martin. Beautifully illustrated, simple, wise picture Jataka tale about when the Buddha was a parrot. Quick read!

The Golden Rule by Ilene Cooper and Gabi Swiatowska. Simple picture on teaching the most basic spiritual lesson.

The Three Questions-based on a story by Leo Tolstoy, written and illustrated by Jon J Muth. Beautiful story about being present and caring with magical illustrations.

Becoming Buddha-the story of Siddhartha, by Whitney Stewart and Sally Rippin, Heian Press 2005. Beautifully illustrated picture book to be read to children.

What Does it Mean to Be Present? By Rana Diorio, Little Pickle Press 2010. A picture book that can either be read to a child or a child can read themselves. Simple instruction on being present during everyday life.

Moody Cow Meditates, by Kerry Lee MacLean, Wisdom Publications 2009. I shared this book with my granddaughter at times of upset. Not only does this picture book tell the story of feeling anger, it gives a practice to help settle the emotions.

Peaceful Piggy Meditation, by Kerry Lee MacLean, Albert Whitman & Company 2004. Lovely picture book written for children on the benefits of meditation and how to meditate.


on Buddhism

Zen Flesh Zen Bones-a collection of pre-Zen writings complied by Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki. Great first book on Zen. I used to carry it around in my purse when I was a teenager.

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki. One of the first, and best, books introducing Zen to the new student. 

Not Mixing up Buddhism, essays on women and Buddhist practice, White Pines Press. This book is no longer in print but if you can get a copy grab it! It is the seminal book on contemporary women’s issues as related to Buddhism. Short and concise, must good food for thought.

Endless Path-awakening within the Buddhist Imagination; Jataka tales, Zen practice, and daily life, by Rafe Martin. Wonderful discussion of the 10 Paramitas and character development on the path of awakening. Jataka tales (stories of the Buddha’s many lives) illustrate each paramita.

on pregnancy and birthing

The Doula’s Guide to Empowering Your Birth, by Lindsey Bliss. The pregnancy and birthing book I would have liked when I was pregnant. Lindsey, mother of 7, is emotionally attuned to the experiences of pregnancy through mothering. Answers many questions new mother’s have, directly and simply.

Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin. This book is old school but visionary. It was central to my understanding of female spirituality and birthing.

on death and illness

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, by Sogyal Rimpoche. Beautifully written book integrating dying with living offering the Tibetan perspective of the dying process and purpose of a life.

for women’s spirituality

THE FIRST FREE WOMEN-POEMS OF THE EARLY BUDDHIST NUNS- translated by Matty Weingast. These words carry the fragrance of awakening-the best book on the Theragatha I’ve found.

THE FIRST BUDDHIST WOMEN-TRANSLATIONS AND COMMENTARY ON THE THERIGATHA. By Susan Murcott. Another, classic and great, translation of the therigatha, the verses written by the early enlightened women ancestors.

WOMEN IN PRAISE OF THE SACRED-43 CENTURIES OF SPIRITUAL POETRY BY WOMEN-edited by Jane Hirsfield. “…wonderfully broad spectrum of women poets whose words burn with passion and wisdom.”

 WOMEN OF THE WAY-DISCOVERING 2500 YEARS OF BUDDHIST WISDOM. by Sallie Tisdale. An engaging book that tells the stories of the women ancestors from the Buddha’s time to the 20th century.


Resources for families

For Children

for mothers

Website for parenting outside the box

La Leche League has been supporting nursing mothers since the 50’s:

for fathers

Online support for fathers: